What does the course include?


  • I will show you how I perceive photography
  • Composition basics
  • What to avoid
  • How to adjust settings
  • Behavior tips


  • Quick editing strategy
  • Color corrections
  • Retouching in Photoshop
  • Creating presets and their subsequent use


  • What to do to sell yourself
  • Maximizing its effectiveness
  • Effective communication
  • Timeline
  • Which elements to use

Tips and Tricks

  • Useful advice
  • Tips on working with people
  • What to do to present yourself as best and most professionally as possible

Price of the session

The price of the course is determined based on the amount of time spent with you in a given day. We can also divide the course over several days, as the brain can effectively absorb only a few hours of information before retention becomes more challenging :)

Price - 100€ / 1 hour

Travelling price - 0,30€ / 1 km

  • The minimum time for the course is 2 hours.
  • The travel is not charged within a radius of 25 km from my residence - I am from Zlaté Moravce.
  • We can also agree that you come to me, and the course will take place at my home, with subsequent photography in nature or in the city (you don't have to pay for my travel in this case).

If you choose the entire course package (presentation, photography, editing, marketing, tips, and tricks), it takes 3 hours, but during this time, we may not cover all the details.

The package is fortunately fully customizable, so we can divide it or exclude parts that you don't want to focus on.

Don't forget to provide all the information by filling out the form below :)

Questionnaire for completion